— life as a Journey
Artem Markov, Anjelika Doniy, Ksenia Isaeva
trekking and training in the mountains of Nepal
April 14-28
after 31 January
22-28 April
14-21 April
2 weeks in the mountains of Nepal in the center of the Himalayas.

Nepal has eight of the 14 peaks in the world that are over 8,000m. Our hike and workshop will take place against the background of one of the most picturesque places in Nepal - the Annapurna Mountains. Annapurna is a mountain group in the Himalayas whose highest point is Annapurna I (8091m).
Also, Nepal is a place where many cultures fuse together. It is the intersection of the influence zones of India and China. The communist and Hindu parties alternate here. In religious terms, Nepal still has local shamanism, Hinduism (rather as a fusion of beliefs, there is no one type of Hinduism), Buddhism. All beliefs have grown from the interweaving with each other, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish which is which. I strongly advise you to add a couple of days for visiting the sights in Kathmandu.

During the hike, we will have a chance to live in local houses and look at the way of life in the mountains, at monasteries and stupas. And the second part, a week of training, will take place in the studio with an amazing view of the Phewa Lake in the mountains. You have not seen such a thing before!

Life as a Travel - is a metaphor we have chosen to emphasize the rapidity and the impossibility of turning back time. Travel here is understood as a way of transformation. We hope to live a mutual experience that will accompany us into life and will give us strength and understanding in the inner places where energy and meanings are missing.

Trekking is a hike from village to village, day walk for 5-7 hours a day. The speciality of this trekking is the views of the highest mountains in the world. We have chosen the blooming season of rhododendrons trees, this is the most beautiful time of the year in the mountains of Nepal!
They write that people with allergies do not have complications with rhododendrons, but I have not checked.

It could be quite difficult. This is not a trek for mountain climbers, for an athlete it is a funny trip. But for an unprepared average person it could be difficult. Getting through the challenge is part of our training, even though we won't be running at athlete speeds.


1 day Pokhara - Ghorepani and hot springs during the flowering season of Rhododendron groves (jeep transfer)
2 Ghorepani - Tadopani
3 Tadopani - Chomrong
4 Chomrong - Himalayas
5 Himalayas - ABC (Annapurna base camp)
6 ABC - Bamboo
7 Bamboo - Jinu
8 Jinu - Pokhara

Program changes

Depending on the weather conditions, condition and general wishes of the group, the guide has the right to make changes to the route.

Required documents

For the nationals of all European countries visa on-arrival can be obtained at the Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. The cost of a visa for 30 days of stay is $50. They accept only dollars. Euros are not accepted at the border. To obtain a visa, you only need a valid passport, the validity of which is more than 6 months from the date of the return flight.
To participate in the hike, you must have no medical conditions that are incompatible with active tourism.

More about visa to Nepal

Day 1. April 14th. Pokhara
Morning of this extra day is for making the Trekking Permit. To get it you need to come to the office with your passport, there you will be photographed and asked to sign.
After, in the afternoon we will go by jeep to the hot springs.
Day 2. April 15th. Ghorepani-Poon Hill-Tadapani
One of the longest hikes - 9 hours of travel.
Ghorepani is located in the Annapurna massif, at an altitude of 2750m. Located nearby at an altitude of 3195m, Poon Hill is completely covered with a rhododendron forest, which blooms wildly from March to May. Poon Hill has eight varieties of rhododendrons in various shades. And from the top of the hill, one of Nepal's best views of the snowy peaks of the Himalayas opens up. From here you can see all the main mountains of this region: Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Machapuchare etc. We will go to the top in the dark to see the sunrise with a beautiful view. After dawn, we hike down to the village to have breakfast and move to the village of Tadapani, where we will spend the night. Landscapes are still majestic.

Day 3. April 16. Tadapani - Chomrong
Hiking 6 hours

We continue to walk, gradually gaining altitude and admiring the Himalayas! Chomrong is a large village on the way to Annapurna base camp. There are a huge number of lodges and we will spend the night in one with a stunning view of Machapuchare. Here you should try local pastries with morning coffee from a coffee machine.

Day 4. April 17th. Chomrong - Himalaya
Hiking 8 hours
The morning will begin with a long descent down the steps that leads to the bridge of the Chomrong-Khola River. After that starts a long hike up until the village of Sinuwa, and then the path will smoothly flow into an amazing subtropical forest. Jungle, bamboo thickets, and monkeys are often found. All this against the backdrop of Mount Machapuchare

Day 5. April 18th. Himalaya - ABC
Hiking 8 hours
The base camp of Annapurna (height 4130 m) is the highest point of our trekking, our big challenge and goal.

Day 6. April 19th. ABC - Bamboo
Hiking 7 hours
After visiting the Annapurna camp, we hike down to the village of Bamboo. All the same jungle, and tomorrow hot springs are waiting for us again!
Day 7. April 20th. Bamboo - Jhinu Danda
Hiking 5 hours
Today we will go down the stairs to the village of Jhinu. There are hot springs nearby, the goal of our day. It is a very beautiful place - a view of South Annapurna, a stunning sunrise, villages immersed in flowers, floodplain terraces, locals with baskets on their backs. Water buffaloes, chickens, dogs. Streams, waterfalls, bamboo, rhododendrons, lianas. Hindu temples. Serenity and silence.

Day 8. April 21st. Jhinu - Pokhara
The first half of the day we can spend and exhale in the hot springs. In the afternoon we will get together and go to Pokhara to check-in the hotel.
We will have morning meditation, inspired by techniques from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, and somatic tuning-in for the road.

I often travel to Nepal. There are no roads in Nepal, no decent medicine. Sometimes electricity reaches the villages through wires that hang on trees. But despite this, in these most remote and highest corners of the planet, I am able to recognize life and beauty. I am astonished by the modesty and clarity of some nations who practice Buddhism and believe in the cause-and-effect law. I learn from them kindness and simplicity. I have long dreamed of inviting the group on a travel together. Traveling has never been easy for me, but I have always felt a lot of inspiration and gratitude afterwards.

Artem Markov


April 22-25


Somatic Workshop, LIFE AS A JOURNEY with Artyom Markov

The purpose of the course is to be with your life experience as it is. To stay together. To stay in nature. To stay in motion, dance and meditation.

A week of traveling together will bring up a lot of material. Being together for two weeks is not easy. How to use crises for growth? Can the group support my life process? What is it like for me to be with people?

Each of us will come with our own lives, our own tasks. What are you willing to bring and what to go through? There is only one life, and I am where I am. It's always possible to change the world for the better. At every moment.

Almost every story, novel or play is a description of the path of one hero. Which path are you taking?

You know that children on a journey begin to change and do things that they could not do before, like talking and walking. Are we worse than children?

Traveling shifts consciousness greatly, and it is not for nothing that many traditions and spiritual practices cultivate nomadic life as a way. We do not urge you to leave society and go wandering, but we, at least, pretend to look at life as a one-way path.

The map by which we will look at how the body reacts to the environment in life circumstances is called Movement Development Patterns. It is taken from Body-Mind Centering.

Patterns of Movement Development - an evolving sequence of principles that combine form and movement, the ability to respond to the external environment and communicate with it through what is available physically and psychologically. These are new and old, visible and unconscious body-mind skills.


- source;

- self-worth;

- boundaries;

- leaving what has lost its meaning and flow

- setting goals and achieving them;

- the ability to stay in closeness, maintaining wholeness of self;

- the ability to give, ask and receive support;

- work with attention on the stage. How to hold supportive attention for a client, group or a person you are talking to. How to draw attention or on the contrary to become invisible;

- how to get out of a toxic relationship;

- how not to run away from closeness;

- how not to be afraid of depth;

- how to stop an uninteresting conversation, not to do what you don’t want, to say no;

- clear, precise financial relationships with clients and employers;

- understanding your desires;

- how to understand that control is no longer needed when everything is enough;

- how to form a secure relationship in which there is support and closeness, integrity and authenticity of both partners;

- how to build comfortable boundaries for yourself;

- how to connect with your strength and learn to rely on it;

- my dreams, what makes sense to me, why I live in the outside world. Interests, desires, goals. The ability to win;

- how to enjoy life right now, not in the future;

- how to see and inhabit the good things that are happening in life right now.

We will work through movement with the tools of somatics, body-oriented therapy, and with techniques that link body and mind in a constant continuum.

What will we do?


Through work with anatomical material such as touching anatomical models and listening to recordings of the rhythms of various systems, we begin to become more aware of the processes occurring in the body. We admit that they are ours, that is ourselves.


Work with touch in pairs (it is also called bodywork) gives us more external information, the other can teach the body-consciousness new qualities of life. So we learn from each other from early childhood. Often something of previously unattainable material grows into awareness in the careful presence and touch of the other.


Through movement, dance and play, we will integrate the experience into life.


April 26-28

The course with Anjelika Doniy and Ksenia Isaeva

One of the most essential parts of experience is its acceptance and assimilation. The practice of Authentic Movement (AM) will be our instrument. With its help, we will start the integration of the entire external and internal journey, before returning home, to the city, work, into everyday life.

In this part we will maintain our main theme - Life as a journey, and how to deal with what is.

Authentic Movement - movement from the depths of one's body.

It is a form that helps us become more present. The body itself shows what should be brought into consciousness.

We will practice AM as a self-valuable process, the meaning of which is the beauty of the moment and creativity. The entrance to that state where we can see life in its entirety, and create without extra effort.

The Authentic Movement invites us to bring the unknown and unnamed within us into form, words and relationships. Our inner lives, our unique creative souls, and our individual ways of meeting both the sacred and the ordinary - all this can find its way into this practice.

Authentic movement is a simple format: there is a mover and a witness. The first closes his eyes and moves from internal impulses, the second witness. After the process there is feedback in a special way.

To be a mover is the basis for developing the inner witness, and it is the basis for becoming the outer witness for the mover.

The inner witness and its development towards a compassionate and merciful presence, is the essence of the Discipline of Authentic Movement.

The compassionate inner witness can be present in the conscious body.


The most powerful changes and transformations occur when there is an opportunity to receive and be nourished by feedback. Many reflections from different points of view provide an opportunity to strengthen your faith in yourself and to change in the safe conditions of friendly wisdom.

The Discipline of Authentic Movement has three sources: the dance, healing and mysticism.

We will have different formats of AM - in duets, trios, groups.

We promise to create conditions for the process. Place, time, attention. A thin thread of informal communication between what is and what we are experiencing.

Three days

Teaching, movement, observation, witnessing.

Integration, laboratory.

Creativity, celebration.

  • PERMIT - trek permit to Annapurna National Park.
  • Services of a guide. Since 2023 the entrance to the national parks without a guide has been closed.
  • Jeep transfer with luggage from Pokhara to Ghorepani and back from Jhinu to Pokhara.
  • Nights in lodges during the trek, accommodation for 4 people per room. Hotels in the mountains may not have internet, sometimes also hot water.
  • Food during the trek. In the mountains, there will be nothing in the villages except for beans, rice and potatoes with flatbread. We will eat simply. In the morning, potatoes with flatbread and tea. During the day, something more heavy, soup in the evening. In general, more soups and liquids during the hike is better. If you have food preferences, you need to take care of it yourself.
  • Hotel in Pokhara from 21 to 29 April. Accommodation is also for 3-4 people per room.
  • Participation in the training April 22-25 Somatics, April 26-28 Authentic movement.
  • plane ticket to Kathmandu and back
  • plane tickets Kathmandu - Pokhara - Kathmandu (I advise you not to waste your day and energy on the bus, it's cheap but tiring)
  • Nepal visa ($ 50), is done right at the Kathmandu airport, you only need a passport with at least 8 months before the expiration date
  • Medical insurance for high-altitude trekking with Covid-19 coverage (from $50)
  • food in Pokhara
  • Tipping porters ($20 per person for the entire trek), and then your backpack is carried by another person
  • Entrance fees for sightseeing
  • additional fee for Single accommodation in Pokhara (if they have rooms)


Trekking in Nepal is quite a big cardio load, since we will walk 8 hours a day, and 5 hours on easy days. In this regard, you should not take visiting the most beautiful views in the world lightly.

The list of medical contraindications for which it is prohibited to go to the mountains:
1. Any illness in the acute or subacute stage.

2. Mental illnesses that make it difficult to contact the individual.

3. Malignant neoplasms with pain syndrome.

4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:
Coronary heart disease (CHD);
Angina pectoris;
Past myocardial infarction (less than 6 months ago);
Cardiac and aortic aneurysms;
Large vessel aneurysms;
Stage IIA or higher circulatory insufficiency;
Cardiac rhythm disorders: atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, frequent extrasystoles;
Hypertensive disease of the 3rd degree (pressure is higher than 180/110 mm Hg).

5. Diseases of the respiratory system:
Bronchial asthma with recent asthmatic status;
Bronchiectatic disease of degree 2-3;
Respiratory insufficiency of degree 2-3 (dyspnea more than 28/min at rest);
Allergies to plants, pollen;
Tuberculosis - active form;

6. Liver diseases:
Acute and subacute hepatitis;
Other liver diseases with insufficient function.

7. Kidney Diseases:
Glomerulonephritis (acute/subacute stage), exacerbation of chronic;
Pyelonephritis with exacerbation;
Renal stone disease with the presence of renal colic;
Chronic renal insufficiency of 1 to 3 degrees.

8. Diseases of endocrine glands with pronounced dysfunction.

9. Diabetes mellitus at the stage of incomplete compensation.

10. Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, tendency to hypercoagulation.

11. Tendency to bleeding of any etiology.

12. Glaucoma.

13. Blood Diseases :
Anemia of moderate to severe degree;
Thrombocytopenic purpura;
Leukemia and other malignant diseases of the blood system.

14. Diseases of joints:
Joint ankylosis (knee, intervertebral);
Deforming osteoarthritis with significant insufficiency of function;
Tuberculosis of joints and bones;

15. GI diseases:
Ulcer disease with exacerbation, or presence within the past 3 weeks of: pain syndrome, or persistent nausea, or intermittent vomiting, or bleeding;
Applesauce or vomiting within 3 days prior to hike (except foodborne toxicosis).

16. Syphilis.

17. Infectious diseases.

18. Pregnancy (by condition - a relative contraindication).

19. Purulent processes in any localization.

20. Epilepsy (large seizures).

21. Prolonged fever of unknown cause.

22. Rheumatism active phase, with heart defects, organ and joint complications.

Alcohol and smoking in the mountains.
Drinking alcohol stimulates the altitude sickness.
Smoking and the use of soft drugs cause great damage to the cardiovascular system.

Importance of health insurance
We more than recommend taking medical insurance with a possibility of helicopter evacuation. During the years of going to Nepal, I saw only once how a girl needed an evacuation, but even very experienced trekkers are never sure that mountain sickness can occur, even if it has never happened before.

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