Artem Markov
April 22-25
Somatic Workshop, LIFE AS A JOURNEY with Artyom Markov
The purpose of the course is to be with your life experience as it is. To stay together. To stay in nature. To stay in motion, dance and meditation.
A week of traveling together will bring up a lot of material. Being together for two weeks is not easy. How to use crises for growth? Can the group support my life process? What is it like for me to be with people?
Each of us will come with our own lives, our own tasks. What are you willing to bring and what to go through? There is only one life, and I am where I am. It's always possible to change the world for the better. At every moment.
Almost every story, novel or play is a description of the path of one hero. Which path are you taking?
You know that children on a journey begin to change and do things that they could not do before, like talking and walking. Are we worse than children?
Traveling shifts consciousness greatly, and it is not for nothing that many traditions and spiritual practices cultivate nomadic life as a way. We do not urge you to leave society and go wandering, but we, at least, pretend to look at life as a one-way path.
The map by which we will look at how the body reacts to the environment in life circumstances is called Movement Development Patterns. It is taken from Body-Mind Centering.
Patterns of Movement Development - an evolving sequence of principles that combine form and movement, the ability to respond to the external environment and communicate with it through what is available physically and psychologically. These are new and old, visible and unconscious body-mind skills.
- source;
- self-worth;
- boundaries;
- leaving what has lost its meaning and flow
- setting goals and achieving them;
- the ability to stay in closeness, maintaining wholeness of self;
- the ability to give, ask and receive support;
- work with attention on the stage. How to hold supportive attention for a client, group or a person you are talking to. How to draw attention or on the contrary to become invisible;
- how to get out of a toxic relationship;
- how not to run away from closeness;
- how not to be afraid of depth;
- how to stop an uninteresting conversation, not to do what you don’t want, to say no;
- clear, precise financial relationships with clients and employers;
- understanding your desires;
- how to understand that control is no longer needed when everything is enough;
- how to form a secure relationship in which there is support and closeness, integrity and authenticity of both partners;
- how to build comfortable boundaries for yourself;
- how to connect with your strength and learn to rely on it;
- my dreams, what makes sense to me, why I live in the outside world. Interests, desires, goals. The ability to win;
- how to enjoy life right now, not in the future;
- how to see and inhabit the good things that are happening in life right now.
We will work through movement with the tools of somatics, body-oriented therapy, and with techniques that link body and mind in a constant continuum.
Through work with anatomical material such as touching anatomical models and listening to recordings of the rhythms of various systems, we begin to become more aware of the processes occurring in the body. We admit that they are ours, that is ourselves.
Work with touch in pairs (it is also called bodywork) gives us more external information, the other can teach the body-consciousness new qualities of life. So we learn from each other from early childhood. Often something of previously unattainable material grows into awareness in the careful presence and touch of the other.
Through movement, dance and play, we will integrate the experience into life.
April 26-28
The course with Anjelika Doniy and Ksenia Isaeva
One of the most essential parts of experience is its acceptance and assimilation. The practice of Authentic Movement (AM) will be our instrument. With its help, we will start the integration of the entire external and internal journey, before returning home, to the city, work, into everyday life.
In this part we will maintain our main theme - Life as a journey, and how to deal with what is.
Authentic Movement - movement from the depths of one's body.
It is a form that helps us become more present. The body itself shows what should be brought into consciousness.
We will practice AM as a self-valuable process, the meaning of which is the beauty of the moment and creativity. The entrance to that state where we can see life in its entirety, and create without extra effort.
The Authentic Movement invites us to bring the unknown and unnamed within us into form, words and relationships. Our inner lives, our unique creative souls, and our individual ways of meeting both the sacred and the ordinary - all this can find its way into this practice.
Authentic movement is a simple format: there is a mover and a witness. The first closes his eyes and moves from internal impulses, the second witness. After the process there is feedback in a special way.
To be a mover is the basis for developing the inner witness, and it is the basis for becoming the outer witness for the mover.
The inner witness and its development towards a compassionate and merciful presence, is the essence of the Discipline of Authentic Movement.
The compassionate inner witness can be present in the conscious body.
The most powerful changes and transformations occur when there is an opportunity to receive and be nourished by feedback. Many reflections from different points of view provide an opportunity to strengthen your faith in yourself and to change in the safe conditions of friendly wisdom.
The Discipline of Authentic Movement has three sources: the dance, healing and mysticism.
We will have different formats of AM - in duets, trios, groups.
We promise to create conditions for the process. Place, time, attention. A thin thread of informal communication between what is and what we are experiencing.
Three days
Teaching, movement, observation, witnessing.
Integration, laboratory.
Creativity, celebration.